Sunday, April 30

5 things u didnt know about me

1. Climbing is the best things that happened to me in NUS. The next best is eli (oops im gg to be killed, skinned and served with reverse the order)
2. Recently, Ive been spending almost all of my time with eli and climbing tt I am becoming a jing di wa (frog in a well). I realise this cos i havent been out drinking w/ friends for a long time and orchard road seems like an alien place T.T
3. My favourite game of all time is final fantasy 7 and I love all other jap/forgotten realm based RPGs. I like strategy as well and Mplayer Starcraft! Although I stopped playing games since JC i'm still wanting (since 2002) to buy that PS2
4. I used to read a lot of fantasy and sci fi fav place in p sch was the NLB! Some favourites: , Robin Hobb (farseer trilogy), piers anthony(adept and incarnations of mortality series), robert jordan(wot), Tad Williams(memory, sorrow, thorn), David Eddings (Belgaraid series), George RR Martin(a song of ice and fire), Orson Scott Card(ender's game), Asimov (Foundation) and the book that got me all started in kindergarten2 --> C.S. Lewis (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
5. I love watching movies.. but not those artsy types. Some movies just strike a chord and leave a strong aftertaste. Some movies i still remember are About a boy, Vanilla sky, spanish apartment, run lola run, i-robot, alfie, 28 days later, the cube, spiderman, matchstick man, zoolander ->notice a trend with my interests? i'm a geek! :D

I propose that we do a tag system, ie you tag the next person whom you want to post and he must post the next "5 things u didnt know about me".. I tag Ning feng!