Saturday, November 10

Things about syafiq

Finally found out how to work the blogger. And sorry for the late post but hi! I'm Syafiq and if you have not  seen me before. Then. Look no further!

Yup. I love sleep that much. If only there were such a thing as a pillow bag to bring to school, or everywhere for that matter...

1) I'm into contact sports!

In primary school and secondary school, I did the usual boring CCA stuff that neighborhood school's usually had. So in Jurong JC, I decided to go for something a bit... more sporty. And the above is what you get! Rugby!

Team photo in KL! Bonding cum training trip.
The Cougars(My team's name) are an assortment of crazy people. We trained hard and played hard and really did a lot of nonsense(which I am pretty proficient in as you will read later), which I hope to be able to do with this team as we get closer with each other. I originally joined rugby just because I could hit people without getting punished. Lol. I played as the scrumhalf of the team(jersey 9) and basically had a lot of fun. And that was when I discovered that I am into contact sports!

Here are another few photos of the 'A' div tournament in 2009. Sadly in our year, we lost. By one point. The whole team cried our hearts out after the game, and it will always be a great moment of regret in my life that we did not win that match against PJC.

I also delved into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a bit during my navy days but, it was too expensive to continue so I stopped after a month. It was a great experience though. Got to spar with a French and Cambodian guy. Too fast too furious(them not me). :(


So Ferran piloted the spy plane, Heng Tiong was a Rider and I, am a Coxswain!

This is a picture of the actual boat that I commanded in Navy.
I was enlisted and finally posted into Navy as a sea soldier. Weirdly enough, I thought they didn't accept Malays. Awkward. The time spent there was really, really dull. Stay in for 8 days and go out for 3. Then come back in. But getting to drive that baby in the picture made it all worthwhile!

What we had to do was guard the base waters and intercept intruding vessels so it was really quite cool. When any unauthorised commercial vessel intrudes and we are activated, we zoom out of the base and scare the shit out of them. Muahahahaha! But yeah, it was pretty great. We got to see submarines and ships all the time. We also interact with navies from around the world. And they were huge! See the building in the first picture? A U.S nuclear submarine(yea nuclear) that surfaced was the same height as that building. I don't have a firsthand photos due to the 'no camera' policy of the SAF so had to rip some off the Net. So you people are pretty well covered in the event of a zombie apocalypse! :)

3) I am....

a pretty shy person, despite my open personality(stupid point number 1). A bit weird init? I myself have no idea why. I've been told that I look pretty fierce or shag(?) when I'm quiet but I'm really not. Just socially handicapped.

Would a fierce person look this cute?(or gay depending on how you see it)
If I have not talked to whoever is reading this post yet, its probably because I have no idea what to say or how to start the conversation, so help me out ya? But beware, what you might be doing is unleashing Pandora's box upon yourself. I talk a lot of shit and do a lot of random things. Hahahahaha.( But please do talk to me or not I have no friends lonelyboi1991)


I bungee jumped in Phuket!

Obviously after the jump. That is my scared-out-of-my-wits-but-put-on-a-cool-face-for-the-camera face. A bit fail though.

There is also an accompanying video but might a bit flavorful in language(people tend to throw out a lot of random words when they decide to throw themselves of a platform with only a rope between their legs. It just happened to be those words for me :/) so I decided not to put it up. Also, its on my friend's Facebook not mine so I can't rip it off. You can ask me though if you wanna see it. The jump was absolutely exhilarating/liberating/adrenaline-pumping thing that I have ever done in my life! Once you step of that platform, you just have no other thought except 'crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap I'm gonna die'. But after the first two rebounds, you feel goddamn awesome(as awesome as you can upside down) and empowered, like you can face anything in the world. 

I recommend EVERYONE to try it at least once in their lifetime. It is absolutely amazing! For me, the next leap would be free falling/parachuting in Dubai because there is a video on it, and the place looks incredibly beautiful. Soooooon. Ok, not that soon. After uni. Get degree then attempt to get self killed to congratulate said self for obtaining said degree. Win.

5) I have a shattered soul(?)

According to Jinxian. And to be accurate, it was both. To be even more accurate, it's soles. I did promise you something stupid and there are people who agree that this story is equivalent to 2.5 parts(content-wise) of the stupid things that I was supposed to write. So here goes.

Don't judge me. I was young.

In 2004, my friend and I and basically my whole clique in secondary school just watched this movie called 'Yamakazi'. Good movie, you guys should watch it. For those who have not, it basically tells a story about this group of people who do parkour. In those days, I considered myself as a daredevil. So what my friend and I did was that we jumped off 2.5 stories from a HDB flat. The top of those huge dumpsters they have installed to collect the entire building's waste products. To be precise, only I did it. And you may ask this crucial question,why?

Because. I was dared. So I did it. From the third floor to the roof of that dumpster thingy. Then down. On the concrete ground. Wearing sandals. During secondary one. When I went down, I was surprised that I couldn't stand up after jumping because I felt perfectly fine(I jumped off things before this one and nothing really happened). Andddd the rest is history. Weird thing was, I didn't cry when I couldn't stand up or realised that something was wrong. I cried when they casted my leg. The cast was soooo hot! But yeah. X-ray shows that it was shattered soles and a broken right fibula if I'm not mistaken.(sorry joel I can't find the film!)

Sometimes, I do regret jumping off that day. But when I think about it, maybe it was a blessing in disguise because I toned down a lot after that. That's probably the reason why I made it all the way to uni(barely). I'll never know.

But my class reaped the benefits well though. We stayed on the first floor when all the other classes of our level went to the second floor so we always reached the canteen first! My classmates and friends also used me as an excuse to use the school's lift which were only meant for teachers. So all in all, it was pretty fun. Also learnt how to do a wheelie in a wheelchair during the time that I was using it so no time wasted!

But since I promised Dr. Joel a photo, here is one of my wrist during the time I thought I fractured my thumb.

6) Why I keep long hair
sweeee la!

Excluding the bikini, this was always my dream since young(no childhood haha)! I've always wanted to be able to do this but due to lame primary/secondary/jc school rules and whatnot, it has been postponed up till now. That is why I am keeping long hair, and will continue to do so till the day I am able to do the legendary hair flip!

seen above: current level of hair flip ability. Actually worse. At least the dog has straight fur.
7) I'm a pretty random person

When you see me stoning, it usually means that I'm thinking about something that has caught my mind. And usually its all the weird stuff like,'Why is a bubble spherical?' or ,'What is the origin of the saying "hangout"?'. Something like that. You can just ask me the topic of the day if you're bored. It will be interesting to have a debate or a 'one-point interpolation' of the topic at hand. Just saying.

8) Joy, you're not alone

Up to date, I have been mistaken for 5 races and counting. Eurasian, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean. I'm actually Na'vi. Okay obviously not. I'm Malay. People just don't seem to get that. I get mistaken so often for being Chinese that I have taken the liberty to memorize in mandarin, the phrase "I don't speak mandarin, I'm Malay". Along with picking a tiny little bit of conversational Chinese along the way so I can take the shortcut instead of having to tell them I'm Malay and restarting the whole conversation again.

To wrap up, there are a lot more stories which are still untold. So please get to know me! If I reveal my hand now, then there wouldn't be anything else interesting to share next time right?

The reason why I joined climbing is simple. I enjoy it. Whether it be training, free-climbing or just being in the rock gym. The frustration, the psyche, the effort, the pleasure. All of it. I hope you people feel the same way too!

That's the end of my post. Sue me but next up, Ng Su Chin!