Friday, October 5

Non Climbing Related Like Alvin's and Peng Yang's Posts

Hullo! For all who has a facebook account, please do accept my invitation for the battleships game! Or you can join yourself and gain no bonuses pfft.

It is a game where ships bomb each other. Super fun. I had a great deal of fun watching alvin's ship chase me, sinking jiasheng's and sibin's ship. There are weimin, teckie, liuli, junjie, jiwei, yixiang, youjie, kesheng's ship to sink too! Hard to describe (and you all know that I can describe things very well and at length too). Fun because I am currently at this port where there are only 7 floating ships. It used to have like 200 ships but all of them are sunk! So basically everyone is killing each other muahaha macam battle royale like that!

I am going to check my ship now cos i tink it may be sunk haha!

This game is good when you are studying or at your computer for 17hours in a row now, writing that damn piece of term paper.