To Climb outdoors!! You will get your first taste of this in Dec and although it won't be one of the best crags in the world, it should be fair enough..
It's quite impossible to describe the joy of it .. it's almost like describing an elephant to a blind person. In short, it's about enjoying the beauty of the route, fighting hard against your limitations, enjoying nature and the company of friends! One of your recently graduated climbing team senior (Kelly) is now in Europe for 6months climbing at world famous crags in France and Spain. Follow her exciting travels here!
Here are some photos from my climbing trips. The first few are of Fontainebleau in March and the last one of north england in January. Next blog post from me will be of Frankenjura when I get the photos from elisa! Can we do a climbing trip summary for the junior's sake?
I tag John to blog about Yangshuo, Sandra to blog about ipoh, Charlene to blog about batu caves, jensen to blog about krabi, Ruix to blog about ceuse, kesheng to blog about Tampin and pengyang to blog about hk. Any other places I left out? Hope you guys can spare the time and pls post fotos if you're able to :)
The world reknowned Fontainebleau (That's weimin)
Still in Fontaineblea (that's me on a famous roof boulder)
Typical sunsets
Cosy camping site
North England with some friends (it's really cold)