Sunday, November 5


I think climbaprix was a good experience. And there are a couple of things that i have learnt that is quite personal and i need to say it out.
First, i might have expected too much from myself. Thus, i was feeling very stressed out during isolation and during my climb. i jus keep wanting to perform to the standard that i should be performing. i felt that this hindered my climbing performance alot. i was not able to focus and hence perform wierdly. Yup. Maybe i should have relaxed a little cos it is not a major comp right? but somehow no matter how much one can pyscho himself to take it easy, the mind will sub consciously think otherwise.
Next, if you lose out to some of the people out there, does it mean that you are lousier than them?
Maybe we can share our views on that? i feel that maybe tt is not the case because every climbing competition has its own characteristics. Right?

At the end of the day, regardless of the results, if you feel that you have placed 110% effort during your 16mins of climbing, then you should be proud of yourself. Maybe result isn't everything. Enjoy the climb, thats what important?

i am jus feeling weird. need to do some reflection on whats wrong.

Feel free to comment about what i said. i am grateful to the team support today. It feels great to have everyone behind you pushing you on. i am proud of this team that i am in.