Saturday, August 5

KraBi KraBi

My 16 CHOICE Photos for Krabi. Man... adore the place.

I feel obliged to post a little on the (amazing) Krabi Experience. Where else can you find walls that inspire you to climb, where else can you enjoy the sun, sand and sea whilst climbing, and where else can you find Adrian running desperately away from Kesheng? WHILE not busting your wallet!

Kudos to the Krabi Gang for making this trip an amazingly memorable one. Kesheng our water delivery man, Daniel our laundry guy, Adrian the Lost Boy while Kum doubled as a portfolio photographer. Not forgetting the girls for contributing smiles and laughter!

Climbing was fantastic! Think I'm definitely a natural rock climbing devotee now. It's so much more freedom, expression and at times (hopefully) satisfaction! Jai Dum is definitely an inspiration. Seeing that guy complete Jai Dum is a motivation. Sweet.

Haha.. had so much to say about Krabi. Maybe too much that I dont know how. Key word from Krabi though. BA-LANCE.

Keep on Climbing peepz! Let's all go back there someday and send all the routes!