Saturday, May 6

5 Things

Hey peepz, sorrie for the time lag u making this post. BUT today i shall fulfill my obligation to continue with this 5 Thing thing. Where to begin...

1. Like most others, i like music. Can't really say which genre i listen to most coz anything that sounds good, no matter what genre, is good music; from lounge music to kings of convenience to moby, lifehouse, erasure, wu yue tian and utada hikaru. Not that i'm a guru though, just listen to the radio, watch a bit of mtv or brother recommendations

2. On movies. Used to be a big fan, watch much less since. Like the movie "Beach". Though not the most outstanding movie ever produced, the story quite appealed to me. Lot to say abt it but the line that caught my attention most: Paradise is not abt where you go or what you do, but abt how you feel or a moment in your life. Even got the soundtrack. (Anyone got "pulp fiction"? Lend me!)

3. I want to go on a one month backpack trip! Anyone wanna join me next yr? May/June period. Destination unknown but hey, like Confucius (or some other wiseman) once said: it's not abt the destination, but the travel to the destination (or something like that)

4. Bit on family now. 2 brothers. one 28, other 15. age gap is pretty big; think it was a last ditch attempt at a girl. Failed miserably haha! im suppose to be the initial 'girl' of course. Stayed at Bishan since... prmary 1 i think. quite love the estate. quiet but not far from ammenities.

5. Climbing has been a strange phenomenon. Somehow it has really become (like Mr Jups said) a 'lifestyle'. Last time hols was abt relaxing, seeing places, beaches or shopping. Now there's the added element of 'climbing'. Well.. hope that there would still be time for it in the future!

Alright! Hope i've written enough (shld be more than enough). Next up is Ruix right? My tag! A junior girl for a change ya? MEIFEN lah. At least i know she got read this blog!