Thursday, November 10

the 'WEAKER' climber

Hey, this is just me apologizing to some senior gals earlier on. I kena chided for using the "C'mon, XYZ (a perceived weaker or inexperienced climber) can do it. So can you!" comment to motivate coz I was told it's insensitive to the person who's climbing (not so much of XYZ if XYZ's supposed to be really weaker heh, but I guess abit too), ESPECIALLY when the person ends up unable to do it. Sorry. But it's quite effective for guys I think! At least for most guys. Maybe coz guys got bigger ego haha...

When guys know that someone they perceive to be weaker OR more inexperienced flashed (or completed) a route, they become more confident and more motivated to flash (or complete) the route as well. This can be a very powerful psychological tool, IF it doesn't generate dysfunctional stress instead. Personally, if I fail to do so, I won't be stressed. I will just be VERY concerned as to why I cannot do so, and reflect deeply on my movement and technique for the route etc. Heh. I hope my original intentions are not misunderstood. YES, I know ultimately we should be intrinsically motivated... =P