Wednesday, October 12


Hello team, more to share. Still assembling my materials on that Shoulder section that I mentioned before. Meantime, here's something on the seeking of physiotherapy.

  1. You are injured. Time to seek treatment. Again, this is not a sure-cure solution, merely an alternative to your favourite chinese sinsehs, medical clinics or 3-generation secret home-remedy ...
  2. Depending on the injury, muscular soreness, pains ... joint weaknesses and pain. These are just some of the possible ramifications from climbing too much (or too hard), When this happens, and you wanna consider the possible benefits that therapy could have for your recover, you can do the following:

    - Approach the University Health Services
    - Visit a Polyclinic near you
    - OR head straight for the physiotherapy clinic recommended by/ to members of Climb Asia
  3. The first 2 options above will generally lead to a referral if the doctor attending to you is convinced of your need for physio to assist in your recovery. Request for a referral right away if you feel that you should seek specialist assistance. Your referrals from UHS or the PC should then lead you to:
    - Alexandar Hospital
    - Changi General Hospital
    you may wish to call and enquire on rates and appropriateness of seeking treatment from them before visiting UHS or any PC.
  4. Alternatively, you can also request for a referral to Singapore Sports Council's Sports Medicine or Sports Physiotherapy Department, which as of when I was still a sportsman with the University, were the default referrals for all injured atheletes requiring rehabilitation assistance.
  5. Climb Asia's recommendation is apparently sworn to be 'one of the best' by those who have visited her. As with all the rest, I've never visited any. Everything stated here is based on research.

    Virar's Rehab Centre
    553A, Balestier Road
    Ms Thila Govindasamy

    Climb Asia Member - $45/ session
    Student - $30/ session

    Call first to make an appointment - 6256 3106
    Bring along your student & membership card

I hope no one ever needs assistance from any of the above sources. But *touch wood* if ever the situation arises (as it seems to have, with some of you), I hope you've got some idea on the options available other than the street-corner sinseh or that special putrid-smelling plaster that your grandma might be so fond of.