Friday, September 2

Hi guys... Since I saw a request for freshie's to start posting on the blog, I guess I should post one. Oh, btw, this is also going to be my first blog post ever. I'm a freshie in blogging too. =D

Hmm, climbing has been very fun so far, and in the two days that I've trained, I've learned quite a lot of things. That's expected of a freshie, right? One of those things is that i've figured out how to do a side-step. Is that what you call it? The thing where both knees point in one direction? Anyway, I've learned how to stick to the tsunami wall like that, and how to stretch from that position to get to higher tiles. Before, I was always doing frontal on the tsunami wall. Even when I tried to do the sideways thing, I think I wasnt doing it properly coz it was still too tiring. So yeah, I finally got it I think. Thing is, even though I can reach for tiles on the sloping part of the tsunami already, I can't hang on for long coz my forearms tire too fast. So that's the thing I should be working on I guess. forearm strength.

Okie... That's all for me. See ya all tonight at the AGM and good luck for the competition tomm... =)