Saturday, October 30

why i climb-

gonna type this since im feeling all emo nemo on a friday night and i havent been climbing for ten thousand years. gimme a chance to reconnect back to the climbin world ok! spare me of my English too. wanted to tell you guys about my injury as well.

i used to climb simply cause my good friends do it. doesnt take a dumbo to know i love any type of sports and am a social animal. AFTER KRABI however, my reason changed. i TOTALLY DIG NATURAL ROCK CLIMBING YO. omigooose (in chloe's term). the feel, the pumpiness, the adrenaline, the humji wheeling of falling and everything else packaged climbing into something i have never felt before. its the love of outdoors coupled with rock climbing on naturals that instill a new sense of belonging to this very sport. thats it.

3.5 weeks ago, i overworked myself. for 3 nights straight, i was at a party, working and cheonging essay till 5 am that 3 days. with no ample rest n late night sleeps, i went for wednesday's training nonetheless. guys, please dont ever do that. i strained my back without me totally conscious of it, and during a compression move i not only pulled my spinal muscle( the one that protects the spine starting from the neck to the tailbone, connecting the two IT bands ), but had minute tears along my L4L5 discs. this aggravated my slip disc in L2 and my permanent injury of my left IT band which left me limping for the rest of my life. i only realized it was this serious after doctor reviews and many X-rays later. i am better now, and imma coming back next week. moral of the story: take care of urself, know ur limits, rest well before ur training and seriously, we aint that young anymore to anyhow things :( sincerely hope no one gets any injuries!
random: my niece damn cute hor.

personal stuff aside, i am writing in excitement, in continuation of what henghong had posted. Just an update of whats happening: the Climbing Club comm and seniors have been working very hard to brainstorm and plan for the creation of new wall. Soon, we may need the whole club, both club and team members, young and old to co-operate together to ensure a successful implementation of plans. stay tuned for details and feel ENERGIZED and EXCITED for our batch may just be the next batch to leave a Legacy in NUS for future generations of climbers. we're gonna be LEGEN.... wait for it... DARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks people.