Sunday, October 31

The Mind is a Powerful Salve

I have always been wanting to type a post about injuries. I asked for Bert, Fel and Shu to input some stuff for their opinions while writing this as well.

Because this is an effing long post and I don't wanna hog up the prime space of this blog, I shall just post a link here. It isn't a copy-and-paste article from a well-known climbing pro site, but yea... hope everyone, especially the injured and soon-to-be-injured and new juniors, can plough through to the end of this article.

In summary:

1)Acknowledge that getting an injury is perfectly normal
2)Can the self-blame
3)Diagnose your injury only if it makes you feel better emotionally
4) Pain is good in letting you know your limits
4) No amount of external help aid DRASTICALLY in injury recovery
5) Active light exercises for recovery does help

Comments, if any, are very much welcomed. Please comment in the Blogspot blog.