Saturday, October 9

In the pipe, five by five - Yu Don

Hi guys, I tried to do it as fast as possible so people don't have to wait. Anyway here're 5 (hopefully) interesting facts about me:

1) I'm currently a Year 2 Law student, balancing studies and CCAs while simultaneously trying to have some semblance of a life(hard, but I try). I didn't originally intend to go to law at first though, my grades in JC were quite average, and I actually was more interested in doing Philosophy at NUS(2 weeks before my 'A' levels econs paper, I got 18/60 for my essay component).. Then somehow I did pretty well for 'A' levels, and then like the sell-out I am I opted to go for law because my father's friend told me that senior counsels earn a minimum of $500,000 a month.. I only found that that was an exaggeration after I entered law school, but by then too late to quit already. I'm pretty sure some horrible punishment awaits me after I die, like being forced to listen to 'Stars are blind' by Paris Hilton for the rest of eternity.

2) Before climbing I used to be in Judo, which is why I'm quite big sized. I played it all the way since sec 1, so I've been in the sport for 10 years now(way too long if you ask me). In my first year at NUS I joined NUS Judo, and trained with them for abit. It's a really wonderful sport, and I still try to train once in a while when I'm free.

At Combined Martial Arts Display last year.

anyway after playing Judo for a while I decided to take a break from the sport and try something new, so I took up climbing! I tried climbing a few times back in 2006, at climb adventure in Tanjong Pagar, but I never really did it really seriously. I 'officially' started recreational climbing back in february 2009, after I ORDed, and I've been climbing regularly ever since. I normally climb at CA, with a mix of high wall and bouldering, although I never really pushed myself, which explains why I'm so lousy. Also, I never really found the time to climb during the semester. Eventually I decided that it was time to make a proper commitment to the sport if I wanted to improve, and so I joined Climbteam. It's really been working out so far, and although I know I have a really long way to go, I can really see myself improving, thanks to the seniors and our trainer yixiong :) I think part of how I find it alittle hard is due to the fact that Judo and Climbing require different skill sets and muscles, so I do take some time to adjust. More reason to keep training, haha..

3) I'm actually quite an indoor and not a very sporty person. Kinda ironic, considering how I'm in both Judo and Climbing, but those are really all the sports I do, I don't watch or play soccer, rugby, hockey or anything. When I'm not studying or climbing or playing judo, I like to stay at home and either play computer games, watch stuff or read. I used to read alot before uni but then after I entered law school reading felt too much like doing school work. So now I watch movies and TV series( How I Met Your Mother FTW!) instead. I watch all kinds of movies, even classics like 'Casablanca' and 'Gone With the Wind', all the way to the latest blockbuster. The only exception is horror. But I'm ok with horror movies that don't have lots of 'shocking' bits(you know, the one where the tension builds up then some guy jumps out of the shadow and shouts 'BOO!'), so I can still watch stuff like the blair witch project. But I draw the line at Asian Horror. I'm ok with gore though, but I don't really like movies that show gore for gore's sake. Like the later SAW movies, where it became more gore than plot. I think gore is great when it serves to further illustrate a point the movie is making,(eg. Gladiator, where they want to show how bloody the coliseum used to be) but gratuitious gore is abit of a turn off lar.

4) I like listening to music, with an emphasis on classic rock like U2, Guns N' Roses, Queen, Iron Maiden.. I don't listen to much modern music, apart from the stuff I hear on the radio. I'm abit ang moh pai, can't really understand or appreciate anything that isn't sung in English. I never even heard of the wondergirls until like June last year. Apart from epic old school Hokkien stuff like 'wah men ti'. My favourite band is still Bon Jovi, back when in the 80's when they were all hair metal. I think they're pretty washed up now: everything went downhill after 'It's My Life'. Hardly listen to much RnB and Hip Hop, except for a few good artistes.

Sorry , I just don't get it. And what on earth is crunk?!

5) I like going out with my friends for drinks, to sit and chill out. I don't usually club, although I find mambo night to be ridiculously entertaining(To everyone else, it's line dancing, but to them, it's COOL. No offense intended to anyone who mambos regularly here). I mostly hang out at pubs, I like going to Wala Wala on Holland V, especially on saturday night, because there's a pretty good band there. It's also near my place and the drinks are nett price; During my NS days I used to go there almost every weekend. Not so much now that school has started, but if anyone wants to go for drinks next time can call me!

Ok lar, that should be about it. You can find out more by talking to me before/during/after training. Don't worry, I don't bite :)

K next person to arrow will be AiLin! don't take so long ah..