Wednesday, March 10

Let's go Sungei Buloh together!

I signed up for this but nobody's going with me:( COme come join me!


Never been to Sungei Buloh? NUS Life Sciences Society (LSS) with the support from Life Sciences Undergraduate Program Committee (LS-UPC) is organizing a field trip to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve on 20th March 2010 (Saturday). All NUS students are welcomed to participate. Typical mangrove inhabitants such as tree-climbing crabs, mudskippers, monitor lizards and creepy-crawlies can be easily seen spotted in Sungei Buloh. Who knows, you might even spot one of the crocodiles that live in the park! Besides, Sungei Buloh is also well known by bird-watching enthusiasts. The richness of the mudflats to feed on has attracted migratory shorebirds such as plovers and sandpipers to the mangrove.

Come and join us for a 2 hour guided tour to get insight into the mangrove ecosystem and the various adaptations plants and animals have developed to eke out a living in this rather harsh environment! Each participant will be charged a fee of SGD 8 for a 2 way bus, admission fee and tour guides. Participants are also required to gather at the slope outside LT32 at 8.30 am sharp on the day! And, we will probably back in NUS at 12.30pm.

There are only 80pax available! First come first serve! Be fast to register by emailing Loh Peiye (Ms) at by 14th March 2010 (Sunday). Please state the following particulars in the email: name, matriculation number, email address and contact number.