Saturday, February 13

The NUS Teh Peng Challenge!

I've put up 2 wooden block pinchers on the roof nearer to the flat side of the tsunami. It's a simple easy challenge :D Winner gets free teh peng sponsored by me :)

Rules of the Game!

Guys: Hang on to the pinchers w/o footholds for 25sec!
Gals: Hang on to the pinchers w/o footholds for 15sec!


Terms and Conditions

i) The challenge will cease only after the pinchers have been taken down or after Chua Yi Xiong graduated in 2012, whichever comes first.

ii) For the challenge to be deemed valid, Chua Yi Xiong must be there in person to witness it. Second hand accounts do not count. But, videos of reasonable quality is accepted.

iii) Drinks can be changed to other alternatives as long as its value is SG$1.20 or lower.

iv) Drink can only be claimed ONCE per person ie. If XXX has already won the challenge, he/she cannot win another drink again. This system is set in place so that Chua Yi Xiong will not become a drink bitch and go into heavy debts.

That's all! Enjoy and Happy CNY everyone! :):)