Sunday, November 8

5 Things!

Hello hello! hoho sorry this took so long, I keep meaning to blog but somehow manage to get sidetracked each time.

1) I am left-handed! So is the rest of my immediate family actually. (that means my mum, dad and bro) Sometimes I wonder if I'm really left-handed or it was just a monkey-see-monkey-do thing. haha!

2) I love to eat but my appetite fluctuates very drastically. Some days I can be not hungry at all, but some days I'll get hungry every two hours! Strange thing is, my stomach doesn't fit much food at one go even though it may be growling. ): Oh and sometimes I get very specific cravings for certain types of food.. is that weird?

3) I love PEANUT BUTTER and soybean milk (haha Clara you probably know I like soy products alr)! I'm a diehard fan of Adams 100% natural crunchy peanut butter. Btw, peanut butter is healthy, but only certain types (so if you've been avoiding pb because it's "high-fat" and all, DON'T avoid it anymore! ask me if you want to know more about the nutrition!) oh and I think Mr Bean's cheese pancake and Jollibean's peanut pancake are awesome (:

4) I like cats! I think they're far more likeable than small dogs. Small dogs are really annoying (with their high-pitched barks). Big dogs are okay though! I used to have a cat but he died sometime last year ): we're still not sure what exactly caused his death but we think it might've been his asthma (yes cats can have asthma too, and they also use inhalers)

5) I've never had chickenpox before! Even when my dad and bro were having it at the same time and I was a kid.. I most certainly hope I don't ever get chickenpox though! Btw, did you know that shingles is actually a reactivated form of the chickenpox virus? Once you get chickenpox, the virus stays dormant in your body even after the chickenpox outbreak. This means you can only get shingles AFTER you've gotten chickenpox. (oh bonus point, I like to read up on trivia! So I tend to know some weird or random stuff.)

Okay that's all! Next up, WINFRED!