Sunday, September 13

Wah tio sabo. Hey guys, randall here. Sorry I took so long, I got abit caught up in work, didn't realise :X. Anyway, 5 things about me:

1) I enjoy good food almost just as much as I do climbing. Like CHEAP, good food. One of my favourite pasttimes was to go food hunting on weekends. And I'm not particularly picky about the kinds of food I eat. As long as its nice, I'll eat it (:.

2) I got into law quite by accident. I was actually supposed to study accountancy, but I appealed for a law/acc double. So I went down for the interview and the written test and everything. Then, at the end of it they were like, your results are not good enough for us to offer you a double, but we can offer you a single degree in law. Haha so I was thinking, after all that trouble, aiya, might as well. Hah, mistake man.

3) One of my other favourite pasttimes is actually sleeping. Optimistically, I would love to have at least 10 hours a day. My army friends found it pretty hilarious cause during lectures I would always be sitting in the front, and I would always be sleeping, like next to the lecturer :X.

4) I'm actually suffering from a chronic finger injury (way too much crimping). Its a cartilage overuse injury, and its actually pretty common. The middle joints of my middle and ring fingers are swollen, and I can't close my fingers fully. Sometimes, after a hard session, it also hurts to shake peoples' hands.

5) Lastly, well I used to, and am still, shit scared of high walling. Its not the falling that I don't like, its hitting the wall immediately after that I'm afraid of. Minus the wetness, I really really prefer deep water soloing to high wall climbing.

Okie dokie, that's all I can think of right now, time to go prepare for tomorrow's lectures. Damn no life can. Anyway, next up, NICOLE!