Thursday, July 23

We're back from krabi everyone! Are you starting to miss the sand, sun and water back in Tonsai already? Anyway, let me show you what 5 guys would do when they ain't able to resist the temptation of the waves back in Aonang. They strip and attempt to confront it with their shield of muscles.

And they seem to be enjoying themselves after being tekan-ed. I guess it's due to 'the seduction of nature'. Heng hong said something like, 'you'll never ever get this kind of wave in ECP.' and plopped in. Well true enough. I don't get such sightings often too. They were literally chasing waves after waves just to ride them! Too bad someone had to watch the belongings :p

Okay I have to admit I took it from afar so it didnt look as fun. But they were really quite hype about it! Enjoy the short clip :p