Wednesday, May 27

Warning: please do not (aggresively, mine wasn't exactly aggresively but well..) swing open the door for the key may break! leaving a bunch of keys landing on the floor, one of them 'head'less.

It wasn't easy getting the head out i tell you. really.

keok and I tried the tape(to pull it out) and nail clipper( to kiap it out) way, but it didn't work! I ringed bert and heng hong, heard that they got it out once before so maybe they could offer some words of wisdom, like a method to take it out. But engineers work on the spot, can't really visualise the problem through the phone. Duh. So, we went to get Rahayu. She wanted to get the lock smith which would cost some mula. So matthew, who just came not long ago, tried to extract it.

With his semesters of lab, must be it I concluded! His sturdy, non shaking and delicate fingers got the key out like in a snap of the fingers, with a penknife and a nail clipper's blade. The enlightening tools to use, remember them, it may come in handy one fine day if such a thing happens again.

It is highlighted in the boldest colours for easy memory.