Saturday, April 25

Sunset Grill Outing

Hello all,

Yes i know this is way overdue and I promised to organise this outing last semester but I didnt get down to it eventually. For that I am sorry and I recommend the easy-peasy no-kick level 30 buffalo wings to you to make up for my dismal failure.

So the tentative date is 13/5/09, Wed at 7pm (date changed at the behest of Her Royal Highness) at Sunset Grill, it is by Seletar Airport. Got nice airplane runway view. Good place to make out. Erm i meant chill out. Something for us to look forward to while we slave through this ordeal that is the bane of all NUS students.

Prices are a bit steep - you can prepare to pay $25 plus but I assure you the food is good and the serving is large enough for a jansen ko to struggle to finish. If the food is not good then never mind. I'll make it up to you by picking up the tab for the level 30 buffalo wings on the condition that you FINISH the entire plate by yourself without water.

Do leave a comment here to let me know whether you want to go. I also need the drivers to kindly volunteer their cars so we can all meet up at either Buangkok MRT station or Jalan Kayu roundabout first and I'll guide you guys in. The road is dark and windy. Good for making out. Erm i meant chilling out again. Whats with the typos tonight man.

Let me know soon I will need to make reservations.