Friday, July 4

Night of the Howling Owl! (NOHO!)

First and foremost, welcome to Old Kent Ridge, where owls howl and babies cry.

We will be ushering into the new academic year and the new working life with the traditional Viking's gathering. This gathering's theme is Night of the Howling Owl (NOHO). So you will pronounce it as, "Noh Hoooooooo!" Remember to drag the 'Hooooooo!'

The old gang are of course required to come down. No year ones are coming. Year twos are expected to bring booze haha as the seniors are bringing some too. Year twos meaning Regina's batch. And the venue this year will be in the biggest room that we procured so far, the Regina and Felicia Room! Although Regina cannot drink, Felicia can so we don't care!

This event is slated to be on a Friday, such that we can wreak more havoc. If you are in Krabi or going to Krabi, please get some stuff at the airports. We will share the cost of course. Food is secondary.

See you all there! I am now in my new room. It is damn good to bio office ladies.