Saturday, May 10

Personal Post: I haz improvements in finger strength

I was intending to have my next post about great (sexy) changes coming to the NUS team blog, rather than some whine post about why life sucks. If you did not know already, I now have the awesome powers of being a blog moderator, which means that besides deleting spammy comments, I can also edit Zheng Xin's blog posts, like how he always does that to me!

So it was a rainy Saturday, a damn great pity that we didn't manage to climb at ITE. It is rare that I will travel so far just to climb, which really underlines my interest in climbing at ITE. Alas alas.

And so I broke my gym key when I was trying to uh, lock up the gym door. The key just snapped la. Here I would like to dedicate a song to the warriors that assisted me along in the quest to remove the broken key from the door:
  • The locksmith uncle who is quite pro
  • Teck Chew, who was roused from his sleep multiple times, and who was also forced to turn back to his hall twice as I did not require his services anymore
  • Alvin, who thankfully was in school and granted his key to me
  • Sandra, who listened to my pathetic sms-es and gave me a clear and obvious course of action that I should take
  • Shao Ting, who looked like a pretty girl from far with her hair flowing with the wind. Hope your final paper went well (you look prettier when you are closer to me)
  • My pet lizard, for getting out of the way when I was exiting my room
Seriously I would recommend you all to open the gym door gently. The key is not that solid due to the amount of cold working done to it during the duplication process, thus introducing a fair amount of dislocations especially on the surface. This dislocations will build up and pile up, causing cracks within the key itself, making it susceptible to a sudden failure.

To all the seniors leaving NUS, sayonara. Do come back to the NUS gym to scrub some tilez and to break some keys :)