Tuesday, February 27

It pays to drive safely

Since blog's dead, I shall just recount about my happening Friday. After testing out my software for my project, I headed over to Vivo to meet person B and coy. Spent a grand total of $7 cab fare and 10mins in Vivo. We then headed for supper. On the way home, on ecp, we met with an accident.

This is what happens a pile up occurs.

This is not person B's car. (Her driving confirm way better, if not, i'll be long dead) This was the fourth car in the collision. A Mercedes C200 Kompressor. Sianzzz. Wonder how high his premiums will go. The lucky thing is that no one was seriously injured, except some bumps on the head. So drive carefully ppl, esp at night, and the boulderactive lorry drivers!

Here's my all-time favourite artist. I think this is his best MTV ever. Totally love it.