Friday, January 5


"When you miss something, you'll know it."

Yeah, that's what I've been told as well. I guess it's brought to you by the same people who insist that "you'll know it when you're in love," and "you'll just know it."

Well, I know it, alright. I know that I'm missing something.

This evening, it rained just as I left the office. The nostalgic dampness in the laden evening air gelled my weary steps. She was beckoning. She had been so patiently waiting for me.

She was my old lover, my once true love; and I found myself thinking of her through the hazy train windows. Ah those times we spent in the comfort of one another; those nights we shared in quiet and in blatant disregard. Perhaps most importantly, the times she gracefullly showed myself to me in ways I couldn't ignore. Her elegant rigidity defeated my contrived agility each time I tried to conquer her.

Whenever things got messy, we'd clear the air, and throw out the trash. Whenever our lives got crowded, she always gave me room for a breather, away from her cozy embrace but never far from her presence. Whenever we had a chance to stand out on the public scene, she'd be there to give us all that she had.

Oh, what true love.

I miss the NUS climbing gym. I've spent some of the best and worst times of my life with that gym and with those silent fibreglass sentinals. They have taught me more than I could have learnt. And yet, they would never ask for me to give anything -- but to return to the one true place for climbing.

Give me a reason not to love climbing, and I'll just introduce you to my great lover.

She still completes me.