Thursday, October 26


1. I'm easily frightened.
I fainted from a wisdom tooth operation 2yrs ago. I ended up at the hospital in the middle of the night, only to find out that I didn't faint cos I lost too much blood, but because I was frightened. $300 gone!

Earlier this year when I had to abstract 4 teeth, I cried =/ cos it hurt so bad after the anaesthesia wore out.. =(

And i'm afraid of anyth that crawls. Yuck. I even have to ask my little sis to help me catch the beetle or spider or ask my dog to kill e cockroach if not i wouldn't dare to go into the room/toilet.

I've embarrased myself countless times by jumping suddenly cos I thought it was a cockroach, when it was actually a LEAF on the ground. >1

2.I used to be a tomboy.
I play soccer with my bro. and in pri sch, when e girls are playing five stones, I would play catching with the boys during recess time and before sch.

I got into trouble a lot in sch. I had to go to the principal's office no less than 5 times. Maybe its cos i'm so gullible and silly =( in P1, I saw my friend drawing on another guy's shirt with blue crayons. And he persuaded me to join in! so I took a green crayon and started drawing and I can't remem the details but e guy's mom complained and the principal said I had to bring e shirt home to wash cos there were more GREEN than BLUE marks on the shirt =(

In P3, a friend told me to spray insecticide into the pond (to kill the toads or someth like tt) and I in the end I was brought to the principals office and almost got CANED. He let me off cos I was a girl.

In p5, my friends were really playful and didn't like this chi teacher, so they put chalk and threw rubbish into her handbag. And once again they persuaded me to throw someth into her bag. And before I knew it, I was in the principals office again.

In Secondary sch i had to see the HOD cos i had too many demerit points (alws late for sch). and she said "vanessa, are you eating? you're SHRINKING!"

3. i'm always late for sch
When I was in JC, I was always late for sch, well cos I lived so near, i thought I didn't have to wake up so early. So I was always running to sch and climbing over the fence so I didn't have to do detention. And there was once, my shirt got caught in the fence, and TORE when I jumped. That prob piqued my interest for climbing =P
oh and btw I got like 2nd place for inter-house rock climbing whoaa hehe =P
(edit:out of the 8 who took part, 5 of them didn't even get pass the start tile..)

4. I have 1..2..3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7! Piercings.
So ah lian right? 3 on each ear and a navel piercing which I removed, cos I didn't have time to let it heal.

5. I touched a CONDOM.
I was at MOX this Gay bar at Chinatown area I think. We went there during Arts camp. I was going down the stairs when I saw this Zen-looking balloon, and I was so amused I went to pick it up. it was OILY I only realised what it was when I saw the opening, I hope its not used one! yikes!

sorry i took so long! busy la =P
i tag CYNTHIA & SHAUN :)