Sunday, August 27


Rant time.

I hate monday trainings. With a few more hours to the draconian training, life is at the pits. Argh. Imagine the sick running that we got to do. Plus it's a few kilometers run under the hot and humid weather of singapore argh what a pain. During the run, your legs get so hot from the inside. Your mind urges you to turn back but there is a monster behind you, pacing you. Head begins to spin, you start imagining things.

All the fumes from the evening rush hour rushes into your head. No wonder I find it so hard to think cough cough pollution siah! Then after the run, all the sweat breaks loose. Splatter here there all over. The smell of the jus-returned-runners stink up the gym. Oh yeah some idiot decide to lay on the mattress with all his sweat on it argh. Sweat + chalk + dirt = The orange mattress woohoo

Then there is the system training. Pull pull push push lift lift. Muscles si beh sore from climbing the uphill slope towards engine fac now must torture my body more. After all those stuff, it's 9.30pm! Too shacked out to climb, climb also not full power climb. Sien chi-pua argh

I dread Mondays! :(