Tuesday, May 16

5 things about me...

My computer restarted by itself when i was at my last point...haiz...so i gotta type again...feeling a bit lazy now tho... :(

1) I'm not a sports person.Tho I played a lot of sports, i'm not particularly good in any of them. But among all the sports out there, basketball and climbing still set my heart on fire. But there is this incident which landed me in hospital. Was playing basketball during my O' lvl after one of the mind blowing papers. I made a jump shot but suey suey my foot landed on some else's and cause of that i had a really really really bad sprain on my left foot. Went to hospital after tt for x-ray and had my leg bandaged. As a result, in tt next few days i got free ride to exam hall when my assistant headmaster personally came and picked me up wit his old mercedes (dunno why he even bother to buy tt old car). Still need to rely on clutches tho...

2) I have 2elder bros. 1 is 1year older the other is 3years older. Many ppl say tt me and my second bro look alike to the point tt and uncle mistaken me as my bro and was really shocked to see me appearing in one corner when my bro just disappear in the other end. My eldest bro doesnt resemble any of us tho...

3) I was a really notorious little kiddo. I was involved in a lot of fights wit almost all my cousins, younger and older. Back then my aunties use to hate me a lot cause i usually cause their sons to cry. Well i hated them back then too :) .But now being older and wiser, my aunties respected me a tad more than last time and always wished that their sons will actually emulate me...hohohoho *irony of irony*

4) Tho i was a troublemaker wit my relatives around, i was still a head prefect and a model student in primary school ;)

5) I was hospitalized for a week during the SARS period but cause of denggi not SARS. The doc almost wanna quarantine me but luckily he didnt. Well the 1 week in hospital is a real torture, no appetite, no energy, blood is drawn everyday in wee hours when i was still sleeping and drowsy from the effect of medicine, and oh yes lotsa pills to consume and water really tasted like medicine cause my palate is really gone due to the overdosage of medicine. Thank goodness i recovered fully and i vowed never to get myself bitten by mosquitoes again! *Ouch* Something just bit me...

Tt's all folks...Next will be NEAT the Nit...or NIT the Neat...argh wateva...Nita i choose you!