Tuesday, April 4

our secret obsession with weight


Most climbers I know are concerned with either their weight or the level of fats around their tummy. I think it's a bad obsession, I mean, food is meant to be enjoyed and climbing does not make up our life!!

Already most of us are way too skinny compared to the general populance but due to good/bad? role models, our preception of the "appropriate shape" is coloured.
(for guys: Jay and Ronghui have unfair wasp thin waists and Irwan/ Sibin are obscenely light <50KG!? for girls just look at the transformation of eli..)

There's certainly nothing wrong with watching our diet and eating healthy, staying active but juz hope no one takes it to too far limits!

Currently i have lots of fats around my middle due to lots of binging in my room whilst studying...trying to be happy with that :)