Wednesday, March 29


Tink Adrian left sth out, due to his pure forgetfulness..."i'm sure"

Tarantula...As u all know tarantula is the biggest spider in the world...well it should be stronger n betta then 'spider', though this is yet to be proven...but one thing is certain...TARANTULA is harrier than anyone else...!!!!
Let me introduce to u... Adrian the TARANTULA!!!

Hmm...Seenbra or is it Sinbra? Cause was thinking tt since we have tiger=harimau, we shld have lion=singa to form a complete family of fierce mammals... Sandra is thus renamed as Sindra... (short form of Singa is Sin...), but being inventive and creative..adrian decided to apply his selective hearing yesterday nite n mistook Sindra as Sinbra.

Hence, in conclusion Sandra is renamed to Sinbra... :)