Friday, January 6


During one of my (many) breaks in this first week of boring internship, doing nothing except read n read n read, I chanced upon an article in TODAY.

"The Journey Never Ends"

A short excerpt: "It is time for struggle to commence. Not just with
opponent, or with situation, or with surface, or
with conditions. Always the athlete’s finest
skirmish is with the self. In the conquering
of doubt. In the pursuit of confidence. In
the strengthening of resolve." Read it!

On KL, it was great! Food was good, climb was good, people were great and one was even swelling (with happiness) by the minute! Unfortunately... gluttony was my greatest sin... those innocent donuts and warm cinnamon rolls; their sweetness and pleasure masked the ugly face of fever. CAMP5... i'll be back!

For those who sees this post before rockmaster, GOOD LUCK! see you all tomorrow. Cheers!