Monday, November 7

Notice the linear progression

Everyone notice the linear progression during exams period!

All the non climbing stuff comes out muahaha woops i think i am actually enjoying such diversions from the climbing posts! But i will not spur away any climbing posts too as they are equally enjoyable hoho..

It has been a great night for me yesterday as *cough* my old friend, Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson was happy siahs. We talked over some english tea and he was happy. Since he happy, i was happy too (no i am not a gay). So i decided to hang around in the gym today!

I realised that the gym has a lot of history in it. There are many hidden routes and many hidden training tiles placed specifically for training certain parts of your muscular bods. Although I had spent hours staring at the tapes to figure certain secret routes, my shortsightedness was pointed out by a dino today. He introduced me to something that I was always training..but! This time, there are tiles placed to train what i wanted to train. I always thought that tiles are just placed for a route and even if we place tiles for training, some climbers may take it down or adjust it. No one would put up to any singular climber's personal fancy of training a certain part. But the NUS gym is full of surprises!

Therefore to people out there! If you see a dino hanging around the gym, do not be shy to ask him of any secret routes! They have a lot! Even some seniors do not know of the secret routes! At times, i feel like i am lara croft muahahahahahah
