Saturday, November 19


now that i've started to do fingerboard, it's quite addictive...

First i climb lightly for an hour or two. Then I do warm-up on the big rungs. i ladder to the top w/o skipping rungs. 2 sets and then stretch.

Then i do touches 1-4-3-4-3-4 and also laddering 1- 3 - 5 (my max, can't do 1-4-7 yet, argh!!) both on the 2nd left most rungs. Do about 3 sets of both. 1 set will include leading with both right and left hands.

After this i will do some power-endurance exercise, which is laddering 2x up and down ie Start from the bottom (of 2nd left most rungs), ladder to the top, match and then ladder down, match and then ladder up, match and then ladder down to the bottom and match. Do about 2sets.

And my fingers will be damn shack!!! but it feels v good..amazingly good!