Sunday, October 2

That's true lah

Some of the best climbers I know perform well in their studies. Seems like they are freaks but no! They are punks like me..climb and climb but they think differently. After climbing, they will chiong to study while I sleep. I got a friend who does a lot of hard math problems before he climbs then he lets the frustration out during his climbs. He just chiong the route. He was the top math and further math student during my college climber also..

I am currently doing a lot of endurance stuff..I train on the pre-assigned training days..Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. My *cough* secret training days are Tuesdays and sometimes if I got no assignments, I shall train on Fridays. If anyone wanna join just join muahaha can work on some routes with you..if I am feeling really bored, I will train on Sunday morning too. So the year ones..dont feel awkward coming down! Just come sure got a familiar face there one muahaha