Friday, October 7

Hello team, I was sorta in the graphics and printing line (including apparels) for a year before joining climb asia ... maybe I can help with the team attire?

I understand ideas are abound for a new team attire, of possibly singlet cutting and maybe dri-fit material ... I've got a lobang for a dri-fit shirt maker, biggest plus is that this fella can customize the cutting of the shirts required, at minimal additional costs. So for a start, maybe we can all go back and see if there's this really exciting n**e, ad***s, r****k, f**a or any other brand tops that you'd think everyone can look cool in. Then we can pass it to my supplier, and he can advise accordingly!
Next, the design, we'll never come to total agreement on the colour the shirt should be, so we can all vote on that at a latter date. Once the rough design is out, every possible colour variation can be devised, put @ yahoogroups, then we can all vote for our top 3 k? Meantime, the team's err ... well, motto ... is passion freedom dreams, so that's the 3 logos we can play around with. We need a killer tagline too ... anyone has any award-winning ideas? I like the gecko/ lizard idea ... but just note that prints that run over mutiple surfaces (ie seams) ... cost more, and have a tendency to go slightly wrong (any alternatives CloudBerriez?) Haha, as some of the ladies have requested as well, maybe a less 'scary' lizard?
I have an interesting suggestion from some ladies who might be particular squeamish to adopting guys' singlet cuttings ... we could consider purchasing nice (cheap) tank tops (from Giordano?) for printing with the same design. Voila! slightly more fashionable team attires for the ladies, same same ... but different ;)
Sleep on it, especially the creative nutz among you ... we need all the exciting ideas u have! Put your sketches down on paper if you have to... I'll help you put it onto screen :)