Tuesday, October 25

climbing etiquette is very impt..

gd climber + bad climbing etiquette = lousy climber.

climbing etiquette is indeed very important. esp so when you are not climbing in your homeground. it goes out to show what kind of climber you are as well.
EG : often, climbers will unintentionally rush to the wall to do a route or to start your training (when actually someone else is on the same wall doing a more difficult route or already dying after doing his 10 X 6A route), thus climbing etiqutte comes in here, you should come down the wall ... (and not the person who is trying the more difficult route or when he is just 2 tiles away from his last 6A route.)

bottom line : just pay more attention to your environment, esp the new climbers. and me...

just a note to our junior climbers, and a reminder to senior climbers like MYSELF! to pay attention to our own climbing etiquette in the gym, esp when not in homeground. =)