Saturday, September 10

New Routes! Come Come Try!

Ish the make up tutorial today held me from going ClimbAsia. Argh. There's a nostalgic feeling bout the tiles..yes they are slippery.

Anyways, after tutorial I dropped by the gym. Rong Hui was doing routes and he came up with two new ones which is really nice! It test your technique and it has really nice tiles! Fresh routes, a far cry from the normal routes in the gym! Even the girls can flash them! (flash the routes la..not that one)

Route One: The RH route with square red tapes and RH on it.
- Start with both tiles on the sun-moon wall..the wall on your left when u enter the gym.
- Only can use certain parts of the tiles; eg, only one side n you cant use your thumb on the tile.
- No worries the tiles are reli nice so using one side is no problem.
- The red tapes usually denote the place where you can arrows on the tapes.
- For enquires, please feel free to contact Rong Hui or Adrian.

Route Two: The "Tsah!" route with square red tapes and tsah on it.
- Start at the corner..use only the top of starting hold.
- Proceed to do the really nice route.
- Both routes will cross at the center of the wall so be sure not to be confused over which red tape belongs to which route.
- Hiya I will show you the route if I meet you there. You can ask Assad too!

Happy birthday captain cheryl!