Tuesday, September 20

Keep it up juniors! Well done Seniors!

Hey... I am so glad that I stayed in the gym on Sunday night! I learnt one simple truth about the team's juniors that night... They are all perpetually drunk! Anyway, I am seeing lotsa passion in the juniors. Keep it up! Just a note, you ppl have to do more climbs (trainings are not enough!) Have some light climbing on non training days (like what Cheryl and Jun Bin said) I see lotsa potential in you ppl. work hard.

To the seniors (esp the managers and the captains and Junbin)... thanks for the effort in organizing the camp! Well done! Seeing the amount of changes that the team is undergoing, is really heart warming. Last year during the camp, I was forcing you all to mug in YIH! Haha... (cos Jun Wei and I were very concerned about your studies... hee) A simple 2 day camp... nothing spectacular... this year I am really happy that you all extended on this idea and make it great!!!! Continue to innovate! yeah!
