Friday, September 9

I agree with what Manager Rui said.

Some of the juniors si beh pia (superly chiong to a specific goal). Take care of the tutorials and fingers. Although they don't seem to be much, finger injuries can effectively end your academic career. Once injured, you cant climb much too and your training would be wasted.

If finger pain, remember to tape it up. Don't do so much deadpoints to crimpers. If finger pain, do more sloper problems instead. Balance. Got once my fingers swell till i cannot hold a pen. Imagine if the joints swell then bluak! The joints burst and everything bleeds.

But I've seen the freshies who improved like madness. Han nah i know I am a freshie too. For example, Pek Hong. His rate of improvement is 30mins per improvement. See him cannot do a route den after a while, poof! He did it already. Strong willpower.

Time to save money haha going to buy new shoes wuahaha.