Thursday, September 15

Hi, it's Alex here.
I am waiting for my match to start later on TCS5. Wonderful cummies, airing my match in the middle of the night so punks like Adrian stay up late to watch it. It is to little wonder that he ponders on why his training effort does not measure up to his improvement, if there's any.
Stop it Jose, you are interrupting me blogging!
Anyway, it has been brought to my attention on why climbing hard doesn't neccesarily improve your climbing by the same ratio. Not that i know much about climbing except to climb over Old Trafford to retrieve my sneakers in the locker room. That noisy git Adrian has been asking me this over my e-mail. Now now, I do not know either. There are people who train relatively less than some but yet their improvement is huge. Might it be due to talent? But again, talent is nothing without training.
Perhaps it maybe that they made their training effective. For every hour they climb, they achieve as much as Adrian did in climbing for a whole day. Bless you young man, you need to study too. Goodness me.
I do not know. I think I shall adjourn for a cuppa english tea. Wonderful creation this tea. Ah..there goes Rooney chasing my dog all over my lawn. Blimey, he should be getting ready for the match later.