Tuesday, November 21


Hi, to emphasise the importance of proper belaying and lead climbing (i always feel nervous when the juniors lead climb) let me show you what a rope burn is.

A rope burn occurs when the rope rubs against your flesh when you fall. It is usually due to either
1) improper belaying - the belayer stands in the wrong position and hence the rope hangs below you.
2) Reckless climbing - climbing with the rope in a wierd position (not hanging directly between your legs and below you.
3) Certain Routes have more potential of creating rope burns as well.

First the rope burn will appear white cos the skin is gone. It won't hurt at this point in time.

Then, your rope burn will slowly become red as the blood seeps out and it weeps pus and plasma. If it is at a joint like this one is, it takes super duper long to heal because the scab is constantly broken.

What is the big fuss about rope burn you may ask...scars are manly!
1) you may be a girl
2)Your team-mates will be so tempted to put qing cao you on it that they may go to great extents to do so (ask for a video of weimin being tortured in krabi)
3) It's freaking pain - the qing cai you
4) It's freaking pain (when you bathe)
5) It's freaking pain (when you walk)
6) you can't climb for 1-2 weeks!

Monday, November 20

Bluey's Blues

Dear all!
You can call me bluey and I belong to Petzl's make. Recently I've been looking at the way you all treat my metal breathen and I am dismayed at the lack of care that you show towards us. Granted we are cold and hard, but we can give you all pleasure. I hereforth present 'Bluey Basic Metal Care.'

Before use:
Check my breathen for cracks or cuts and try to identify the history of the equipment. If the equipment has been dropped many times by some goon, do not attempt to use it as it may cracks. These cracks are micro-cracks but they can lead to crack propagation and cause bigger cracks upon repeated use. The maximum strength of most metal equipment is 25 kN, crack propagation decreases this maximum weight. Heavy climbers in the team beware haha.

Falling in Nyamuk wall in KL is no joke as it is very secluded and it is difficult to rush you to hospital. Whitish deposits on equipment denote dirty equipment muahaha. It is white due to chalk lah. Please do not drop us (carabiners and quickdraws) as we are constantly being banged on the wall..dropping us only serves to increase our pain sob.

How to clean neh-neh equipment:
Before heading to that trip, visually inspect us for any dirt. Use cloth to wipe us clean. If we are stiff, it might be due to too much porn, I mean, too much dirt. Stiff meaning we cannot snap back normally. There maybe dirt stuck in our joints and use your eyes to see how much dirt is there. Your action may vary from rinsing us in warm water and drying away from heat to a mere lubrication of our parts with silicone based oil. A good oil is the Singer oil, the oil they use for sewing machines.

For those who owns us like Feng and Fen, you might not want to buy Singer oil just to oil us. The gym has singer oil at your convenience.

Cleaning and lubrication must be done after use in sea based climbing areas, or after 3 months, which ever comes first. Oil our joints but just use 2 drops can already. Too much oil causes chalk and dust to be stuck to our joints. If we still cannot snap back after oiling, it means we are dirty and it is time for warm water bath or the flaking of our joints with toothbrush.

Adrian likes to hear us snap. It might be due to some fettish but weird snapping sounds means our spring is getting rusty, like got creaking sound like that. Oiling well is useful so that we can immediately snap back when you are clipping in during lead climbing.

Do treat Bluey and my friends well
or we will betray you on the wall. We all have souls, and listening to us can provide you with company while you attempt a move 24m up a cliff.

Tuesday, November 14

guys please take note!!! lol


Push Ups

Hey hey the title sounds a bit kinky hurhur but dash those pervertic thoughts from you now! (especially alvin and the torn shirt while belaying thing tsk tsk)

Something came into my mind when i was performing stretching down after training today. Someone told me before that I must do push-ups after each training session as climbing uses a lot of pulling muscles..pull yourself on wall and yank for moves. Thus your pushing muscles will be weak and we cant have one muscle type being so much stronger than the other. It may cause injuries when you attempt movement that includes both type of muscles due to the imbalance.

Do not know if it is true but from now on, I will do some push ups after training during my warm down cos i am afraid of injuring myself. Look around and i see the zombies of injuries roaming about..a tall zombie guy, a short zombie girl, a fierce zombie girl, a hall zombie blablabla. There must be a reason on why i suddenly remember this advice i guess.

Monday, November 13

street figthers

Err this has nothing to do with climbing but it brings back gd memories ya? dun blame me for wasting your time~! HAHAHAHA

And this: Make love not Warcraft (Southpark) is really funny! A must for all gamers

This is only part1 of 3 since youtube has a 100MB upload limit.


Sunday, November 5


With so many posts/comments on CLIMA already, PLEASE bear with one more from me haha... First off, no matter the result, I really believe that everyone gave their all in this competition n very glad with the effort, determination and sportsmanship displayed by all! We can definintely progressed further from here.

I think I should highlight some of the more serious points in the aftermath of the com too, expecially for the novice climbers since I didnt really watch the serniors climb.

1. Have an idea of what the standard of your competitors are like and what you need to improve on to progress in ur cat

2. Observation - maybe it's just nerves =] but dont jump right straight onto the start tile. Take a step back, look at the whole route, where all the tiles are and take a closer inspection where necessary; dont take too long though. In essence, dont climb blindly.

3. Time - Take a breather before you climb, helps to compose urself (at least for me). If you drop, take a rest before u attempt the route again, give urself some recovery time. And if u c that there isnt sufficient time on the clock to finish an attempt or the move is too difficult or pumpy, dont attempt. Rest may be more important to spare urself from over-pump.

4. Route reading - think the novice climbers need much more experience on this so take note on this k? always try to read routes before trying during trainings. For those who are scratching their head on what exactly is route-reading, visit http://www.planetfear.com/article_detail.asp?a_id=199 (lots of other good articles too) else can always check with the seniors ya?

I have to say this, I think all the juniors climbed more smoothly during the com than I did last time haha... keep it up people! Oh can we have a few words from the girls too? Would like to have a girl's perspective!

climbaprix - jensen's take

i learnt a lot about myself yesterday from just that short half hour competing.

i was a bit nervous before and during isolation, since this is my first competition like charles. it wasn't so much of my expectations of how well i'll climb, but more of just the fact that it's a competition. but the moment i stepped onto the mattress towards Route A, everything seemed like i'm back in the school gym. relaxed, chilled out, funky music and my teammates behind me telling me to push it. i thought i'd panic but luckily everything went so well in terms of nerves. i guess i have balls of steel. but that brings me to my next realisation(not sharma one).

i need to change the way i dyno. i tend to leave one hand on the tile when i throw for the dyno and i think thats why i slipped off the 2 endtiles (and left me falling really unglamly on the first route.basket....face down leh....already not handsome already still kena full force). must climb with grace, but must also fall with grace. i'm not sure if my dyno style is due to fear of not getting the tile or simply because i'm too cocksure that my span is long enough for every dyno. so guys, please screw it into my head the next time i dyno, "commit with 2 hands!".

and of course, kudos to the team for screaming and shouting for everyone else climbing yesterday. the atmosphere was great and i can really see how close-knit the seniors really are. but i think we juniors are quite chummy with each other too. haha. thats the way to go man. now that i have a bad sore throat from all that shouting, you guys will find the gym a little quiet without my bullshit.

well done to those who did well, to all those whose expectations fell short, that's what makes us push ourselves to improve. but let's concentrate on KL! natural rock, oh man....gets me all pumped up and palms sweaty.


I think climbaprix was a good experience. And there are a couple of things that i have learnt that is quite personal and i need to say it out.
First, i might have expected too much from myself. Thus, i was feeling very stressed out during isolation and during my climb. i jus keep wanting to perform to the standard that i should be performing. i felt that this hindered my climbing performance alot. i was not able to focus and hence perform wierdly. Yup. Maybe i should have relaxed a little cos it is not a major comp right? but somehow no matter how much one can pyscho himself to take it easy, the mind will sub consciously think otherwise.
Next, if you lose out to some of the people out there, does it mean that you are lousier than them?
Maybe we can share our views on that? i feel that maybe tt is not the case because every climbing competition has its own characteristics. Right?

At the end of the day, regardless of the results, if you feel that you have placed 110% effort during your 16mins of climbing, then you should be proud of yourself. Maybe result isn't everything. Enjoy the climb, thats what important?

i am jus feeling weird. need to do some reflection on whats wrong.

Feel free to comment about what i said. i am grateful to the team support today. It feels great to have everyone behind you pushing you on. i am proud of this team that i am in.


Saturday, November 4

Recollections of Climbaprix 2006

(note: this is going to sound really weird and noobish and even stupid to some people but hey it’s coming from a person who just participated in his first climbing competition)

This was my first climbing competition and it was certainly an eye-opener. Learnt many things about myself and my climbing. But more importantly I want to thank all those who kept cheering for me and giving me helpful hints. Among those hints are look around which sadly I did not heed, thus missing out a foothold and not completing the 1st route. Another being “COMMIT!”. I believe it came from Jensen and I really did that and I did a humungous throw and completed the last route (Sweet…..) In the midst of looking at my 2nd route, a shout from Jups saying “Come on! it’s easy!” really helped me. Not sure whether it was psychological or not, but I flashed the route =)))) Sound and logical advice from Ningfeng lik “It’s ur last route, do your best” made sense. And all the screams and shouts and cheers certainly helped.

This made me realized how all these shows the team spirit that the team has. Even the Dj mentioned that Nus was always cheering very loudly for their own climbers. Even though during the competition it is just you against the wall but I realized that there are actually a whole bunch of people behind u supporting and encouraging you to push on and to keep going. When u missed a tile and crash on the mat there will b a collective groan and when u top a route there will be a resounding cheer of “YEAAAAA”. What a great community it is.

Actually I wanted to leave after my cat was over but thought maybe I could just give back what others have so graciously given to me. Thought it would be nice if I could cheer my other team-mates on. So the novice guys stayed back and screamed our lungs out for the following people who climbed. Hope it did help u as it did to me. Kinda have a sore throat now. But not too sure why we were kind of muted during the open men’s competition. What a great experience to soak in the feeling of a climbing competition. And I am definitely proud to be part of this climbing team and I wish to continue climbing with you all.

Just some thoughts,

Thursday, November 2

Ad - play

1. BMW started a newspaper ad-campaign

2. Audi replied.

3. Best of all, my fav car has a comment in place too.

4. The CEO of Bentley looked at the chicken fight and puts his opinion straight!